The Hague new partner Burgemeester van jouw Noordzee
The Hague, 20 june 2021
The Hague is on board. The Municipality of The Hague will be a partner of the ‘Burgemeester van Jouw Noordzee’. That was announced today during the Ecology Day in Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in Noordwijk. Many changes are taking place on the North Sea, but these are not always widely known. With the ‘Burgemeester van Jouw Noordzee’, the partners want to bring the North Sea and everything that is happening there – from fisheries to generating wind energy – to the attention of the wider public.
The organisation fulfils a function in the contact between all parties which ‘use’ the North Sea, in particular building a bridge between these parties and the general public. That’s essential. Since September, former Olympic sailor Marcelien Bos-de Koning has been the mayor.
Deputy Mayor Saskia Bruines, Economy, is delighted with this step: “The municipality is involved in setting up a ‘Campus@Sea’, a place where government organisations, business and knowledge institutes meet and work together on innovations at sea. The themes emphasised in this campus are food, energy, ecology and sport. With a partnership in ‘Burgermeester van Jouw Noordzee’, together we can get even better results.”
Jan Douwe Kroeske, initiator of ‘Burgemeester van Jouw Noordzee’, is delighted with the expansion of the partner network. “With The Hague and its idea of Campus@Sea, we are creating a very strong network. This will help us share subjects relating to the sea and its future better with our public: schools, students, festival visitors and day tourists.”
Burgemeester van Jouw Noordzee is a partnership between SummerLabb and ECN.TNO. Partners: MARIN, Ekofish Group, Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin, NOGEPA, DHSS, Hotel de Zeeuwse Stromen, Nexstep, Gasunie, EBN, DNV GL, Stichting De Noordzee, Shell, Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond and Municipality of The Hague.
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